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The fine line between menopause awareness and menopause freak-out
Is World Menopause Day creating more menopause awareness, or more opportunities to freak out?
PODCAST: Women Are The Journey – an exploration of perimenopause, business and life
When I cured my perimenopause symptoms, simply and naturally, I had no idea that what I'd learned about women's health at midlife, would...
FORGOTTEN. Brain fog, perimenopause and menopause.
In an alternative universe, at the first signs of midlife change, you’d be taken aside by a community elder and offered space. Space to...
What’s Up With Libido in Perimenopause and Menopause?
There is an intelligence behind our life-cycles and a drop in our libido during perimenopause is an example of how our hormones are working
Is This Your Midlife Crisis?
Women are struggling through their 40s in an economy that still doesn't offer them equal pay, is creating downward mobility and does not
Why Live With Regret When You Can Live Without It?
I recently watched a video called Can You Really Change the World in Two Hours? It’s a talk by Mara Gleason and Michael Neill. In the...
“I love your muffin top!” said no midlife woman to another, ever. At some point during midlife, your periods will stop – that’s certain....
Three Important Lessons For Midlife From Anita Moorjani
When in life, and especially at midlife, we have thoughts that tell us: I should be / I could have / I’ve never / I will never / I can’t...
Midlife dilemmas and how to solve them by finding the calm in the storm
When women are faced with a dilemma in life (no matter how big or small), I encourage them to practice an awareness of thought. One part...
40-Something and Feminist? These Three Thoughts Might Be Blocking Your Path to Happiness.
Before we get acquainted with the thoughts, let’s see: You’re educated. You’re passionate. And you’ve never been afraid to call yourself...
Midlife Mirror
What do you see in the mirror at midlife compared to decades gone by? Can you take pride in your enhanced sense of style, or is your...
40-Something Women, The Rise of Perimenopause and Why You Should Stop Blaming Your Hormones.
Many women experiencing perimenopause and menopause today were teenagers in the 1980s. Fashion wise that was an interesting time to step...
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