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WATCH this funny video! Perimenopause, menopause and a lot of confusion!
This clip from the Baroness von Sketch Show is funny … and points out the confusion that exists around perimenopause and menopause.
To age with a headdress
On age and change and my desire for a headdress.
Menopause, Medicine, Media and Myth
When menopause hits the news headlines, myths get thrown around. What hides behind the popular menopause myths? What do women need to know?
Menopause is not a disease!
When Robert A Wilson, MD, a Brooklyn-based OB-GYN, argued that estrogen therapy allowed menopausal women to remain feminine forever, he...
Do our wombs move at midlife?
When everything feels crazy out there, at least we can understand more about what’s going on inside. I discovered my womb is moving and...
Who’s writing the narrative on midlife women’s health?
“Have you any notion how many books are written about women in the course of one year? Have you any notion how many are written by men?...
Three Important Lessons For Midlife From Anita Moorjani
When in life, and especially at midlife, we have thoughts that tell us: I should be / I could have / I’ve never / I will never / I can’t...
Perimenopause: What if your body acts out of love?
Always on the lookout for perimenopause news, last week I was intrigued to discover that an expert on women’s health, who’s also...
Midlife dilemmas and how to solve them by finding the calm in the storm
When women are faced with a dilemma in life (no matter how big or small), I encourage them to practice an awareness of thought. One part...
40-Something Women, The Rise of Perimenopause and Why You Should Stop Blaming Your Hormones.
Many women experiencing perimenopause and menopause today were teenagers in the 1980s. Fashion wise that was an interesting time to step...
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